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  • 12/08/2020

    Muito satisfeito com a ordem. A caixa está um pouco amassada, mas é 1. A culpa é dos Correios Russos. 2. Eu não roubei a caixa. Eu levei a lanterna. A lanterna é perfeita, todas as ligações roscadas são uniformes, a cor é uniforme. Brilha uma luz suave, agradável ligeiramente amarelada, sem azul. O brilho é suficiente para minhas tarefas, também para o intervalo. Consegui o que esperava, muito contente. entrega de aproximadamente 3 semanas ao centro da Rússia.

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  • 23/10/2017

    A flashlight, which has a nice form factor, and good stand still capability. The Red anodized version has a shiny, vivid look, and the flashlight is shipped in a small gift box as well. Button is metal, which feels a bit strange for first, but it is very sturdy. Switching mechanism is good for easy mode changes during bike riding sessions, I also like that special modes can be disabled. Caution is needed to be taken, when using this flashlight with higher amperage drivers (e.g. 7135x8), this is why I consider the 7135x4 driver as the best choice, as it still generates considerable heat on the highest setting, but it is not yet uncomfortable to hold for an extended period. The reflector is with orange peel texture, which makes a pleasing look for the beam. The beam has a relatively wide hotspot, which means, that throwing capability is limited. Flooding capability is very good, as the hotspot has moderate intensity, and its size is about 0.35 times the spill. A color shift towards the hotspot is apparent, but not dramatic (more yellow, and less deep blue in the hotspot compared to the spill). Body color is also reflected at the edge of the beam. Tint 7A is the warmest available, which has better uniformity regarding the colors in the beam. Please take a look at the attached beamshot comparison.

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